BombSquad Modding Guide Episode 7: Creating co-op games

Hey folks,

It’s been a while, so it’s time for another modding example..

I just released BombSquad 1.4.7, which adds a big new feature under the hood: you can now now create new co-op mode games, complete with their own online high-score lists and star rankings. (previously you could add teams and free-for-all games but the co-op section was a bit hard-wired)

First, a few little caveats:

  • At this time, adding co-op mods will disable your ability to play co-op tournaments (you’ll see an error at the score screen saying ‘please remove all game modifications and try again’).  I’ll try to fix this in the next update or two.  Pull your mods out and restart to get tournaments working again.
  • Currently you have to restart the game to pick up new or changed mods.  This can be annoying to do repeatedly, so I’ll try to add auto-(re)loading in the future.

Anyway, let’s do this.

I feel that examples are the best way to learn, so lets just grab one and dive right in. 

Download this script, drop it into your BombSquad mods folder (Settings->Advanced->Show Mods Folder), and launch the game.  Under ‘co-op’ you should now see ‘Ninja Fight Custom’.

That’s it.

This mod is pretty much identical to the ‘Ninja Fight’ mini-game included with the game.  It simply sets up a few timers to spawn ninjas and then measures the time it takes you to kill them all.  The script is heavily commented so you should be able to see what’s going on, add more ninjas, or whatever else you want to do.

Check out any of BombSquad’s internal game scripts for reference as well as the Python API docs.

Happy Modding!


4 thoughts on “BombSquad Modding Guide Episode 7: Creating co-op games”

  1. YOU MUST MUST MUUUSSSSTTTT adapt this game for xbox platform. the game is great and funny and the co-op option using two controls or more on the same xbox promises it will be a hit – i will surely buy it if it came out on xbox

  2. hi Eric ! ☺️
    i just need some help. i m not much tech savvy.
    i installed the mods with and the mods have started to show up in the mods folder, some of them greyed out with of course the downloaded ones as white, but the issue is where to play these mini games from, cz i dont see them anywhere, in free for all, in co – op, i mean no where.. so if you could please help. Thanks, appreciated !

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